International Martial Art

Games Committee Statutes


Article 1 Name

The official name of the organization is the “International Martial Art Games Committee and the official abbreviation is IMGC.

Article 2 Description

2.1 The IMGC is a non-governmental and non-profit International Martial Art Organization contributing to the development of Martial Art Sports, in educational, scientific and technical fields through the organizing of the international, continental and regional martial art games.

2.2 The IMGC shall consist of Continental and National Martial Art Games Committees and international martial arts organizations as its main members.

2.3 Its members shall retain their autonomy and independence.

Article 3 Objectives

The principal objectives of the IMGC are:

3.1 To organize International Martial Art Games for all martial arts sports practiced in the world and through its process, to preserve and develop all martial arts sports as a common good for humankind along with social progress.

3.2 To provide all martial arts organizations of the world, regardless of the sizes of their organizations with an opportunity to demonstrate their skills and abilities and show their martial art value through the friendly competitions.

3.3 To promote friendship and goodwill under the ideal of “Friendship, Cooperation, Development” irrespective of ideology, sex, religion, race, nationality and martial arts styles.

3.4 To encourage and promote cooperation and marginalize the technical divergences of the organizations of each martial art discipline through the International Martial Art Games with the goal of conformity in the Martial Art Movement and its values.

3.5 Other objectives shall from time to time be defined by the Executive Board.


Article 4 Headquarters

4.1 The permanent Headquarters of the IMGC shall be located in Pyongyang, DPR Korea, the birthplace of the Founder of IMGC, the late Gen. Choi Hong Hi.

4.2 The Secretariat for daily work and other relevant departments shall be in this Headquarters.

Article 5 Official Language

The official language of the IMGC is English.

Article 6 Symbol, Flag, Song and Torch Tower

6.1 The IMGC shall have its Symbol, Flag, Song and Torch Tower.

6.1.1 The Symbol and Flag are the ones made by Gen. Choi Hong Hi, the founder of the IMGC, and used since its inauguration congress on Sep. 2. 1999.

6.1.2 The Torch Tower is the one, which is situated in Pyongyang, DPR Korea, the birthplace of Gen. Choi Hong Hi, the founder of the IMGC and was lit for the first time in the history of the martial arts movement in the opening ceremony of the 1st IMG in Sep. 2004.

All flames to be lit in International Martial Art Games shall be carried to the International Martial Art Games venues from the torch tower in Pyongyang through various means.

6.2 The Symbol, Flag, Song, Torch Tower are the intellectual and material properties of the IMGC

6.3 The continental and national martial arts games committees can register the symbol and flag of the IMGC in their respective countries on behalf of the IMGC and use them subject to the previous agreements between the IMGC and the continental/national martial arts games committees.

Article 7 International Martial Arts Games (IMG)

7.1 The International Martial Arts Games is a tournament in which all martial arts disciplines in IMGC can be participated, and it is the competition between the same disciplines, not between the different disciplines.

7.2 The IMG shall be held in every two years.

7.3 The martial art discipline which is unable to organize its competitions as it is not practiced in the international scale shall show its value through demonstrations.

7.4 The IMG is the Martial Arts Sports Event in which the athletes of all ages can take part in the competitions and demonstrations.

7.5 The IMG shall comply with an internationally recognized anti-drugs code.

7.6 The IMG shall be the exclusive property of the IMGC.



Article 8 Categories of Members

The members of International Martial Art Games Committee are;

8.1 Member organization

8.1.1 Full Members

8.1.2 Associate Members

8.2 Umbrella organization

Article 9 Member Organization

9.1 International Federations (IFs)

9.1.1 The IMGC shall recognize the international martial arts organizations as the International Federations. 

9.1.2 The recognized IFs shall be obliged to assume the responsibility of the technical control and the development of their martial art discipline.

9.2 Umbrella Organizations

9.2.1 The IMGC shall recognize the national martial arts organizations as the National Martial Art Games Committees and its official abbreviation is “NMGC”.

9.2.2 The role of the NMGC is to develop and protect all the martial arts in its respective countries and send its national team to the IMGs.

9.2.3 The IMGC shall have the Continental Martial Art Games Committees for consistent promotion and activation of the martial arts in the continents.

9.2.4 The Continental Martial Art Games Committees shall protect the NMGCs and organize the regional Martial Arts Games in the respective areas.

9.2.5 The President of NMGC shall be recommended by the President of the IMGC and shall be approved by the Executive Board of the IMGC.

Article 10 Termination of Membership 


10.1 Any member, affiliated IF or NMGC may submit its written document for termination to the IMGC HQ at any time, and the IF or NMGC shall be terminated from the day of acceptance of the document only when the IF or NMGC has no outstanding liabilities to the IMGC at the time of termination.

10.2 In the case of expulsion from the IMGC by the decision of the Congress, the membership or recognition shall be automatically terminated.



Article 11 Qualification of a Delegate


11.1 A delegate shall be the one accredited to the IMGC from a member/an umbrella organization.

11.2 Each member organization shall recommend one delegate to the IMGC.

11.3 Each NMGC shall recommend one delegate to the IMGC HQ within 20 days after the official call of the Congress and the Verification and Ethics Commission shall deliberate on his/her qualification and bring it to the IMGC Executive Board for the final approval.

11.4 Each delegation shall be consisted of maximum 3 persons, including EB members.

Article 12 Obligation and Right of a Delegate


12.1 A delegate shall attend the IMGC Congress on behalf of his/her respective IFs or NMGCs.

12.2 A delegate has one vote and right to elect/be elected.



Article 13 IMGC organs


13.1 The Congress

13.2 The Executive Board

13.3 The President

Article 14 IMGC Congress


14.1 The Congress is a meeting attended by the IMGC Members.

14.2 The Congress is the supreme governing organ of the IMGC.

14.3 The Congress shall be held every 2 years.

14.4 The decisions of the Congress are the final.

14.5 The Congress deals with the following items:











14.5.1 Adoption, modification and addition of the IMGC Statutes

14.5.2 Approval of the minutes of the last Congress

14.5.3 Election of the President of 6 year’s term, Vice-Presidents, Secretary General and Executive Board Members of 4 year’s term

14.5.4 Approval/disapproval of the recognition, suspension, and expulsion of a Member

14.5.5 Report on the activities between IMGC congress

14.5.6 Election of the Auditor who holds the office of certified public accountant

14.5.7 Approval of the budget, financial statements

14.5.8 Determining the place and date of the IMGs

14.5.9 Determining the place and date of the Congress

Article 15 Extraordinary Congress


15.1 An Extraordinary Congress shall be convened on the motion of the President or written request from more than half of the Members having the right to vote for an Extraordinary Congress.

15.2 The Motions for the Extraordinary Congress shall be sent to the IMGC HQ together with the letter of request for an Extraordinary Congress.

15.3 The place and date of the Extraordinary Congress shall be determined by the President and its notification shall be sent out to the members at least 30 (thirty) days in advance.

15.4 At such an Extraordinary Congress, no other matters that specified in the notification shall be discussed without the written consent of the President.

Article 16 Competence of the Executive Board


16.1 The Executive Board shall be between the Congresses and empowered to settle all matters on behalf of IMGC.

16.2 The Executive Board shall be held at least once a year.

16.3 In the event the President resigns, the Executive Board shall appoint one of the EB members to be the substitute until the next Congress.

16.4 Composition

The Executive Board shall comprise 9 members including the President, Vice-Presidents, the Secretary General and other Members.

16.5 Election

All the members of the Executive Board shall be elected by a ballot in the Congress and by a majority of the votes.

16.6 Term

The terms of President and Executive Board members are specified in the 14.5.3 above.

16.7 Powers and Duties

The Executive Board manages the affairs of the IMGC. In particular, it performs the following duties:










16.7.1 It shall attend to the observance of the IMGC Statutes.

16.7.2 It shall assume the ultimate responsibility for the administration of the IMGC.

16.7.3 It shall approve the IMGC’s internal organization, and all internal regulations relating to its organization.

16.7.4 It shall be responsible for the management of the IMGC’s finances and preparation of an annual report.

16.7.5 It shall submit to the IMGC Congress the names of the candidates whom to be recommended for the election.

16.7.6 It shall draw up the agenda for the IMGC Congresses.

16.7.7 It shall enact all necessary regulations (rules, regulations, guidelines) for the IMG in the form of most appropriate and shall ensure the proper implementation of the IMGC Statutes.

16.7.8 It shall perform all other duties assigned by the Congress.

16.7.9 The Executive Board shall be held on the motion of the President or at the request of the majority of its members.

Article 17 President


17.1 The President shall be elected for a term of 6 (six) years by a ballot in the Congress from amongst its members.

17.2 If the President is unable to fulfill the duties of his office, the Vice-President, who is senior in such office, shall be replaced with him until a new President is elected at the next IMGC Congress. The new President then shall complete the term of office of the President whom he replaces. The President shall be then re-elected in accordance with the article17.1 above.

17.3 The President shall represent the IMGC and preside over all activities of it. 

17.4 In a state of emergency, the President shall, first of all, take all necessary measures except for dissolution of the IMGC, and report on them in the next meetings of the Executive Board and the Congress.




Article 18 Division of Commissions


18.1 The IMGC shall organize the relevant non-permanent Commissions.

18.2 Followings are the Commissions in the IMGC.





18.2.1 Verification and Ethics Commission

18.2.2 Competition and Umpire Commission

18.2.3 Information Commission

18.2.4 Finance & Marketing Commission

18.3 The Commissions shall be responsible for its particular respective works before the President of IMGC.

18.4 The commissions shall be composed of 3-5 persons.

18.5 A Chairperson of the Commission shall be appointed by the President of the IMGC in consultation with the Executive Board.

18.6 Members of the Commissions shall be recommended by its Chairperson and shall be approved by the President of the IMGC.

18.7 The Executive Board may set up the Commissions in case of necessity.

Article19 Voting and Elections


19.1 All Members shall have one vote and suffrage in adopting of decision.

19.2 A Member from an affiliated organization that has not paid the affiliation fee until the opening of the Congress shall have no voting right.

19.3 No Member shall be allowed to vote by proxy.

19.4 All elections and decisions shall be adopted by a majority vote i.e. 50% plus one vote.

19.5 A secret ballot shall be taken in case more than half of the members request for it.

19.6 Except the case of elections or a secret ballot, all elections shall be conducted by ballot or by simply show of hands in case of need.

19.7 Voting for the dissolution of the organization or amendment of the Statutes shall require a two thirds majority of the eligible voting members.

19.8 Adoption shall always be conducted by simply show of hands.

Article 20 Suspension


20.1 The IMGC may suspend the rights of any EB member, member or affiliated or recognized organization according to the resolution of the Congress or the Executive Board.




20.1.1 Affiliated or recognized organizations that commit the infringements against the Statutes and Bye-Laws of the IMGC may be suspended.

20.1.2 Suspension may automatically be applied to an EB member and to a member who does not attend the congresses for two successive meetings without certain reason.

20.1.3 Suspension may automatically be applied to an EB member who fails to attend two successive EB meetings without certain reason.

20.2 Enforcement of suspension shall be decided by a majority vote (half plus one) in the Congress or the Executive Board.

Article 21 Expulsion


21.1 Any affiliated organization shall be expelled from IMGC by the decision of the Congress in the case that it is proved that they may have inflicted injury to the IMGC.

21.2 Enforcement of expulsion shall be decided by 2/3(two thirds) majority of the members in the Congress.



Article 22 Affiliation fee, Membership fee


22.1 An organization affiliating to the IMGC shall pay an affiliation fee.

22.2 The affiliation fee shall be paid within 30 days after admission.

22.3 All affiliated organizations of the IMGC shall be obliged to pay the annual membership fee.

22.4 The amount of the affiliation fee, the annual membership fee and other revenues shall be decided by the Executive Board.

22.5 The affiliation fee is 100 USD and the annual membership fee is 300 USD.

Article 23 Budget


23.1 The fiscal year of the IMGC shall run from the 1st of January to the 31st of December.

23.2 The budget shall be drafted by the IMGC Headquarters under the approval of the President and shall be adopted by the Executive Board.

23.3 The finances of the IMGC shall be managed by the signature of the President within the limits of the approved budget.

Article 24 Treasurer and Auditor


24.1 The headquarters shall have a Treasurer by the appointment of the President.

24.2 The Treasurer shall engage in making a budget, financial transaction, bank accounts, bookkeeping and etc. and shall submit the annual financial reports to the.

24.3 The Executive Board shall appoint an auditor who is internationally qualified for auditing the annual accounts of the IMGC and he/she shall be approved by the Congress.



Article 25 Bye-Laws


25.1 The Bye-Laws shall be composed of 7 articles and shall be appertained to the Statutes.

25.2 The Bye-Laws shall be defined by the Executive Board and shall be approved by the Congress.

25.3 The Bye-Laws shall not be altered or rescinded unless a subsequent Congress shall decide so.


Article 26 Interpretation

The authority for evaluating any dispute arising out of the Statutes or the Bye-Laws appertaining thereto, shall reside in the President for the time being.

Article 27 Dissolution



27.1 The intended dissolution of the IMGC shall require an Extraordinary Congress at which the item on the agenda shall only be the proposed dissolution.

27.2 The dissolution of the organization requires two thirds majority of the members voting in favor of it.

27.3 If upon the dissolution of the IMGC there remains, after settling all its debts and liabilities, any property whatsoever excepting the intellectual properties, the same shall not be paid to, or distributed amongst the members of the IMGC, but shall be applied to the furtherance of any objects of the IMGC as may be determined by the Congress at, or before, the time of dissolution and if, in so far effect cannot be given to the foregoing provisions, then to some charitable organizations.

27.4 The intellectual property shall be conveyed to the International Martial Art Fund.

Article 28 Dispute Resolution


28.1 All disputes between the IMGC and NMGCs/IFs or between NMGCs/IFs arising outside of IMGC statutes shall be settled in amicable negotiations.

28.2 In case the dispute cannot be settled according to 28.1, it shall be recommended for arbitration in a third country to be mutually agreed.

28.3 Disputes that cannot be settled according to 28.2 shall be submitted to the Court of Arbitration for Sport and its decisions are the final.



Article 1 Umbrella organizations-NMGCs

1.1 Umbrella organizations shall be the national martial art games committees (NMGCs) recognized by the IMGC.

1.2 An NMGC shall have one or more martial art disciplines in its respective country as its members.

1.3 An NMGC shall have legal status from sports authorities of its respective countries.

1.4 An NMGC recognized by the IMGC shall have its own constitution/statutes made on the basis of the IMGC statutes.

1.5 The IMGC shall recognize one NMGC in a country.

1.6 The role of the NMGC

1.6.1 It shall organize national martial arts games with the participation of one or more martial art discipline. Its activities shall be conducted under the IMGC rules.

1.6.2 It shall protect and promote the existence and activities of martial arts in their respective countries.

1.6.3 It shall select and send its national martial art teams to participate in the International Martial Art Games, Continental Martial Art Games and other Regional Martial Art Games sanctioned by IMGC.

1.6.4 NMGC is not a forum for the various martial art groups in its country to address their grievances and differences but an integration of martial artists in its respective country.

1.6.5 NMGC shall play an arbitrary role to achieve an unification and reconciliation between the martial art groups in it.

1.6.6 NMGC is not the martial art controlling body in its own country. It does not interfere into the administration, finance and individual activities of its members, unless there are criminal offences involved.


Article 2 Member Organizations

2.1 Qualification of the Member Organization

Organizations to affiliate with the IMGC shall conform to the following terms.

2.2 Any international martial art organization shall have the following eligibilities to be a full member organization.

2.2.1 It shall have more than 20 umbrella bodies in two or more continents.

2.2.2 The martial art discipline shall be disseminated over more than 20 countries (men) and 10 countries (women) in two or more continents.

2.2.3 It could provide a minimum of 10 national teams to participate in the International Martial Art Games, with minimum 100 competitors.

2.3 International martial art organizations which do not comply with the criteria for full membership shall be associate member organizations.

2.3.1 The associate member organization that has been joining in the International Martial Art Games successively and reached the criteria for full membership of IMGC is eligible to apply for full member organization of IMGC.

2.3.2 The associate member organization shall demonstrate its martial art discipline in the International Martial Art Games.

2.4 The IMGC shall admit more than one international federation for each martial art discipline in its membership. In this case, the IMGC shall examine its membership from the viewpoint of the interest and development of the IMGC.

2.5 Right of member organizations

2.5.1 Any member organization can join any internationally recognized sport governing body according to its own will.

2.5.2 Unless any member organization, affiliated with other international sport governing body, submits its withdrawal from the IMGC, it shall remain still as a member organization of the IMGC.

2.6 Role of a member organization

A member organization shall be obliged;

2.6.1 To establish and enforce a set of competition rules for each martial art which can be acceptable by all the groups concerned, if there are more than 1(one) international federations of the same martial art discipline.

2.6.2 To assume the responsibility of technical control and for the direction of their martial art sports at the International Martial Art Games.

2.6.3 In case no NMGC is found in a particular country, then the member IF should be encouraged to form the NMGC for that country.

Article 3 Congress

3.1 Chairman

3.1.1 The Chairman of the Congress shall be the President of the IMGC and the Congress shall be presided by the Chairman.

3.1.2 In the event that the President is absent, unable or unwilling to preside under any circumstances, he may appoint Secretary General to preside over the meeting.

3.2 The Agenda for the Congress (other than Extraordinary Congress) shall contain the following items:

a) Opening of the meeting

b) Roll Call

c) Adoption of the agenda

d) President’s address

e) Approval of the Minutes of the previous meeting

f) Activity Reports

g) Financial Reports

h) Recognition of umbrella NMGCs and new membership applications

i) Voting and Elections (if applicable)

j) Date and place of International Martial Arts Games

k) Any other matters

l) Date and place of next congress

3.3 Preparation for the Congress

3.3.1 Administrative work for the Congress shall be done under the direction of the President or Secretary-General.

3.3.2 At least 3 (three) months before the date of the opening of the Congress, the IMGC HQ shall send an official notice to all Members for the Congress and in case there is a Member who is willing to add a new item on the agenda, the member must submit it to the IMGC HQ no later than 2 (two) months prior to the meeting.

3.3.3 At least 1 month before the Congress, the IMGC HQ shall circulate the agenda, together with its activity report and other relevant documents.

3.3.4 The IMGC HQ shall consider the suggestions from the Members and submits it to the EB and the President or his/her deputy for their approval.

Article 4 Executive Board

4.1 The date and place of the Executive Board meeting shall be decided not later than 3 (three) months prior to the meeting.

4.2 The IMGC HQ shall notify the date and place for the Executive Board meeting to the Executive Board Members at least 2 (two) months prior to the meeting as soon as it is decided.

4.3 The quorum of the Executive Board meeting shall be more than half of the Executive Board members.

4.4 Presiding EB

4.4.1 The President shall preside over the EB meeting.

4.4.2 In the event that the President is unable to preside the meeting under any circumstances, the Vice President authorized by the President shall preside over the meeting.

Article 5 Commissions

5.1 Verification and Ethics Commission

5.1.1 It shall inquire into the membership applications of the IFs and deliberate on the matters of their affiliation according to the Statutes and Bye-laws of IMGC.

5.1.2 It shall verify the qualification of the representatives from the IFs and NMGCs participating in the Congress or other meetings to be organized by the IMGC for the adoption of resolution.

5.1.3 It shall suggest its opinion on the verification of a full member and the qualification of full member to any associate member organization according to its activities.

5.1.4 It shall investigate the infringements against the Statutes or the rules and regulations of the Commissions by individual or organizational members and it has the authority to decide the mode of punishment to the guilty party/parties concerned and bring forward such cases to the President and the Executive Board for the final decision.

5.1.5 It shall investigate an individual or member organization if they may have been committed criminals that may tarnish the name of IMGC and its members.

5.2 Competition and Umpire Commission

5.2.1 It shall decide the martial art disciplines of the IMG and summit it to the Executive Board for the final decision.

5.2.2 It shall be responsible for the umpire works in the IMG and in case there is more than one international organization participating in same discipline, then the Commission shall adjust the differences of the umpire rules into harmonious version which can be acceptable by the most of all organizations.

5.3 Information Commission

5.3.1 It shall be responsible for providing of the IMGC information and news through books, internet, radio and TV etc.

5.3.2 It shall be responsible for providing the news media, international organizations and governments with the correct information to introduce IMGC for clear understanding.

5.4 Finance and Marketing Commission

It shall financially support the IMGC activities through the International Martial Art Fund and its sponsors.

Article 6 International Martial Arts Games

6.1 Organisation of the International Martial Arts Games

6.1.1 Duration of the International Martial Arts Games shall not exceed 10 days.

6.1.2 The IMG venue shall be decided in the EB meeting or Congress.

6.1.3 Various activities of martial arts during the IMGs shall be arranged with the consensus of the EB or Congress.

6.2 The organization which has applied for the hosting of the IMG shall organize the Organizing Committee for the IMG as soon as the IMG venue is decided, and shall commence its preparation.

6.3 IFs and NMGCs shall submit the application for participating in the IMG at least 3 (three) months prior to the IMG opening and shall provide the OC with the participants list at least 1 (one) month prior to its opening.

6.4 Others on the IMGs shall follow the “Guideline on organization of the International Martial Arts Games”.

Article 7 Notices

7.1 A notice or notification to a member shall be deemed to have been properly delivered if it was sent by registered delivery to the latest address of which the member informed the IMGC HQ.

7.2 Notification regarding suspension, expulsion or dissolution shall always be sent by registered delivery.



Article 1 Name


The official name of the organization shall be the “International Martial Art Games Committee and the official abbreviation is IMGC.


Article 2 Description


2.1 The IMGC is a non-governmental and non-profit International Martial Art Organization contributing to Martial Art Sports, on educational, scientific and technical levels through the organization of international, continental and regional martial art games.


2.2 The IMGC consists of continental and national martial arts games committees and international martial arts organizations as its main composition members.


2.3 Its members shall retain their autonomy and independence.


Article 3 Objectives


The principal objectives of the IMGC are:


3.1 To organize International Martial Art Games for all martial arts sports practiced in the world and through this process to preserve and develop all martial arts sports as a common good for humankind along with social progress.


3.2 To provide all martial arts organizations of the world, regardless of the sizes of their organizations with an opportunity to demonstrate their skills and abilities and show their martial art value through friendly competitions.


3.3 To promote friendship and goodwill under the ideal of “Friendship, Cooperation, Development” irrespective of ideology, sex, religion, race, nationality and martial arts styles.


3.4 To encourage and promote cooperation and marginalize the technical divergences of the organizations of each martial art category through the International Martial Art Games With the goal of conformity in the Martial Art Movement and its values.


3.5 Other objectives may from time to time be defined by the Executive Board.


Article 4 Headquarters


4.1 The permanent Headquarters of the IMGC shall be located in Pyongyang, DPR Korea, the birthplace of the Founder of IMGC, the late Gen. Choi Hong Hi.


4.2 The Secretariat for daily work and some relevant departments shall be in this Headquarters.


 Article 5 Official Language


5.1 The official language of the IMGC is English.


Article 6 Symbol, Flag, Song and Torch Tower


6.1 The IMGC shall have its symbol, flag, song and torch tower.


6.1.1 The symbol and flag are the ones made by Gen. Choi Hong Hi, the founder of the IMGC, and used since its inauguration congress on Sep. 2. 1999.


6.1.2 A song of the IMGC shall be composed and once it is approved by the Executive Board, it shall be an official song of the IMGC.


6.1.3 The torch tower is the one, which is situated in Pyongyang, DPR Korea, the birthplace of Gen. Choi Hong Hi, the founder of the IMGC and was lit for the first time in the history of the martial arts movement in the opening ceremony of the 1st IMG in Sep. 2004.


All flames to be lit in International Martial Art Games shall be carried to the International Martial Art Games venues from the torch tower in Pyongyang through various means.


6.2 The symbol, flag, song, torch tower are the intellectual and material property of the IMGC


6.3 The continental and national martial arts games committees can register the symbol and flag of the IMGC in their respective countries on behalf of the IMGC and use them subject to the previous agreements between the IMGC and the continental/national martial arts games committees.


Article 7 International Martial Arts Games


7.1 The International Martial Arts Games is a tournament in which all martial arts sports in IMGC have their own events, not between the different sports.


   The International Martial Arts Games is held in every two years.


7.2 The martial art sport which is unable to compete as it is not practiced in the international scale shall show its value through demonstrations.


7.3 The International Martial Art Games is the Martial Arts Sports Event in which the athletes of all ages take part in competition and demonstration.


7.4 The International Martial Art Games will comply with an internationally recognized anti-drugs code.


7.5 The International Martial Art Games are the exclusive property of the IMGC.




Article 8 International Federation


8.1 The IMGC may recognize International Federations as International Martial Arts Organizations


8.2 The recognized International Federations shall be obliged to assume the responsibility of technical control and for the development of their martial art sports in the IMGC and worldwide as well.


Article 9 Umbrella organization


9.1 The IMGC may recognize National Martial Arts Organizations called National Martial Art Games Committees and the official abbreviation is “NMGC


9.2 The role of the NMGC’s is to develop and protect the Martial Art Games Movement in their respective countries


9.3 The IMGC can have Continental Martial Art Games Committees under review for consistent promotion and activation of the martial arts in the continents.


9.4 The Continental Martial Art Games Committees shall protect the NMGCs and organize the regional Martial Arts Games in the respective areas.


Article 10 Termination of membership


10.1 Any member, affiliated International Federation or NMGC can submit its written resignation to the IMGC HQ at any time, provided that at the time of resignation the International Federation or NMGC has no outstanding liabilities to the IMGC and with the acceptance of the resignation the affiliation or recognition shall be terminated.


10.2 In the case of expulsion from the IMGC by the decision of the Congress the membership or recognition shall automatically be terminated.


Article 11 Obligation and right of the members


11.1 A Member has one vote and the right to elect/be elected.


11.2 A Member may speak on behalf of another Member only if specifically requested by the relevant Member and after ratification, at the invitation of the President or of the Chairman.




Article 12


The organs of the IMGC are:


12.1 The Congress,


12.2 The Executive Board,


12.3 The President.


Article 13 IMGC Congress


13.1 The congress is a meeting attended by the Members.


13.2 The congress is the supreme governing organ of the IMGC.


13.3 The congress shall be held every 2 years.


13.4 The congress’ decisions are final.


13.5 The congress deals with the followings:


13.5.1 Adoption, modification and addition of the IMGC Statutes.


13.5.2 Approval of the minutes of the last meeting


13.5.3 Election of president of 6 year’s term, Vice-Presidents, Secretary General and Executive Board Members of 4 year’s term


13.5.4 Approval/disapproval of the recognition, suspension, and expulsion of a Member


13.5.5 Report on the activities between IMGC congresses


13.5.6 Election of the Auditor who holds the office of certified public accountant.


13.5.7 Approval of the budget, financial statement


13.5.8 Determining the place and date of the IMG


13.5.9 Determining the place and date of the congress


Article 14 Extraordinary Congress


14.1 An Extraordinary Congress may be convened on the motion of the President  or written request from more than half of the Members having the right to vote for an Extraordinary Congress.


14.2 The Motions for the Extraordinary Congress must be sent to the IMGC HQ together with the request for an Extraordinary Congress.


14.3 The place and date of the Extraordinary Congress shall be determined by the President. Notification of the meeting will be sent out to the members at least 30 (thirty) days in advance.


14.4 At such an Extraordinary Congress, no other business, other than that specified in the notification shall be conducted without the written consent of the President.


Article 15 Executive Board


15.1 Composition


The Executive Board shall comprise 9 members including the President, Vice-Presidents, the Secretary General and other Members.


15.2 Election


All the members of the Executive Board are elected by the Congress, upon secret ballot, by a majority of votes cast


  15.3 Term


      The terms of President and Executive Board members are specified in the 13.5.3 above.


15.4Powers and Duties


The Executive Board manages the affairs of the IMGC. In particular, it performs the following duties:


15.4.1 it will attend to the observance of the IMGC Statutes;


15.4.2 it will assume the ultimate responsibility for the administration of the IMGC;


15.4.3 it will approve the IMGC’s internal organization, and all internal regulations relating to its organization;


15.4.4 it is responsible for the management of the IMGC’s finances and prepares an annual report;


15.4.5 it submits to the IMGC Congress the names of the persons whom it recommends for election to the IMGC;


15.4.6 it will establish the agenda for the IMGC Congresses;


15.4.7 it enacts, in the form it deems most appropriate, (codes, rulings,, guidelines) all regulations necessary to ensure the proper implementations of the IMGC Statutes and the organization of the International Martial Art Games;


15.4.8 it will perform all other duties assigned by the Congress.


15.4.9 The Executive Board will meet when convened by the President’s proposal or at the request of the majority of its members.


Article 16 President


16.1 A President will be elected for a term of six years by the Congress upon a secret ballot from amongst its members.  


16.2 If the President is unable to fulfill the duties of his office, the Vice-President, who is senior in such office, replaces him until a new President is elected at the next IMGC Congress. The new President then completes the term of office of the President whom he replaces. The President is then eligible for re-election in accordance with the first sentence of 16.1 above.


16.3 The President presides over all activities of the IMGC and represents it permanently.


Article 17 Commissions


The Executive Board may set up commissions for specific departments as laid down in the bye-laws.


Article 18 Voting and Elections


18.1 All Members shall have one vote and suffrage in adoption of decision.


18.2 A Member from an affiliated organization that has not paid the affiliation fee until the commencement of the congress shall have no voting right.


18.3 No Member is allowed to vote by proxy.


18.4 All decisions and elections taken to a vote shall be decided by a simple majority i.e. 50% plus one vote.


18.5 A secret ballot shall be applied in case that more than half of the members request for it.


18.6 Voting in favor of the Dissolution or Amendment of the Statutes shall require a two thirds majority of the eligible voting members.


18.7 Except in the case of elections or a secret ballot, voting shall always be conducted by a simply show of hands.


Article 19 Suspension


19.1 The IMGC may suspend any EB member, member or affiliated or recognized organization according to the resolution of the Congress or the Executive Board.


19.1.1 Affiliated or recognized organizations that commit the infringements against the Statutes and Bye-Laws of the IMGC may be suspended.


19.1.2 Suspension may automatically be applied to an EB member and to a member who does not attend the congresses for two successive meetings without certain reason.


19.1.3 Suspension may automatically be applied to an EB member who fails to attend two successive EB meetings without certain reason.


19.2 Enforcement of suspension shall be decided by simple majority (half plus one) by the Congress or the Executive Board.


Article 20 Expulsion


20.1 Any affiliated organization may be expelled from IMGC by the decision of the Congress in the case that it is proved that they may have inflicted injury to the IMGC.


20.2 Enforcement of expulsion shall be decided by 2/3(two thirds) majority of the Members to the Congress.




Article 21 Entry fee, Membership fee


21.1 An organization seeking affiliation to the IMGC will pay an entry fee, the amount of which shall be decided by the Executive Board.


21.2 The entry fee should be paid within 30 days after admission.


21.3 All affiliated organizations of the IMGC shall be obliged to pay the annual membership fee.


21.4 The amount of the entry fee, the annual membership fee and other revenues shall be decided by the Executive Board.


Article 22 Budget


22.1 The fiscal year of the IMGC shall run from the 1st of January to the 31st of December.


22.2 The budget shall be drafted by the Headquarters but will be approved by the President and adopted by the Executive Board.


22.3 The IMGC shall be financially bound, within the limits of the approved budget, by the signature of the President.


Article 23 Treasurer and Auditor


23.1 The headquarters shall have a Treasurer by the appointment of the President.


23.2 The Treasurer shall engage in making budget, financial transaction, bank accounts, bookkeeping and etc. and make regular reports to the EB.


23.3 An internationally competent certified public accountant shall be appointed by the EB and approved by the Congress to audit the annual accounts of the IMGC




Article 24 Bye-Laws


24.1 The Bye-Laws are defined by the Executive Board and are approved by the Congress.


24.2 The Bye-Laws shall not be altered or rescinded unless a subsequent Congress shall decide so.


Article 25 Interpretation


The authority for evaluating any dispute arising out of these Statutes or the Bye-Laws appertaining thereto, shall reside in the President for the time being.


Article 26 Dissolution


26.1 The intended dissolution of the IMGC shall require an Extraordinary Congress at which the item on the agenda shall only be the proposed dissolution.


26.2 The dissolution of the organization requires two thirds majority of the members voting in favor of it.


26.3 If upon the dissolution of the IMGC there remains, after settling all its debts and liabilities, any property whatsoever excepting the intellectual properties, the same shall not be paid to, or distributed amongst the members of the IMGC, but shall be applied to the furtherance of any objects of the IMGC as may be determined by the Congress at, or before, the time of dissolution and if, in so far effect cannot be given to the foregoing provisions, then to some charitable organizations.


26.4 The intellectual property shall be conveyed to the International Martial Art Foundation.


Article 27 Dispute Resolution


27.1 All disputes between the IMGC and NMGCs/International Federations or between NMGCs/ International Federations arising outside of IMGC statutes shall be settled in amicable negotiations.


27.2 In the case the dispute is not settled according to 27.1, it shall be recommended for arbitration in a third country to be mutually agreed.


27.3 Disputes that cannot be settled according to 27.2 shall be submitted to the Court of Arbitration for Sport and its decisions are final.








17.1 The IMGC shall organize the relevant non-permanent commissions


The commissions of the IMGC are:


   17.1.1 Verification and Ethics Commission


   17.1.2 Competition Commission


   17.1.3 Umpire Commission


   17.1.4 Information Commission


   17.1.5 Finance and Marketing Commission


17.2 A commission is responsible for its particular respective business before the president of the IMGC


17.3 A commission is composed of 3-5 persons


17.4 Chairperson of the Commission is appointed by the President of the IMGC in consultation with the Executive Board.


17.5 Members of the Commission are recommended by its chairperson and approved by the President of the IMGC.